James Jarman's Devblog

New Project, New Devblog

No, no, you’re not crazy. There are posts that precede this first devblog post. I’ve had several blogs in the past of various types but I’ve actually never had a personal development blog of my own. I usually am writing up of my development progress or articles on other sites like the Rogue Vector website or social media platforms such as LinkedIn and Mastodon.

However, with this new personal project I’m working on (Project Hex), I wanted a more permament and singular place to show my development progress and for any articles I write. Additionally, I am in the process of copying a lot of my social media posts about Project Hex to this devblog because there’s some good stuff there I don’t want to lose. I’ll definitely be rewriting the posts a bit to make them more blog relevant than social media. At the same time I’ve copied my The IOs of Game Netcode articles from Rogue Vector so they can live here as well. Be warned though, they were written 10 years ago and the information may not be accurate or correctly reflect my opinions any more, but there’s some useful stuff there and I definitely want to update them at some point and continue the series as well.

You’ll probably want to start with Unreal Game Prototype.

There’s still quite a bit to do to finish this site in terms of styling and functionality. I need to implement all the OpenGraph and other meta tags so the link scraping works nicely with it. I need to fix post tagging and #hashtags. I also need to work out how I’m going to handle large file storage as I imagine there’s going to be a lot of videos and GIFs posted. Anyway, that’s all for future posts I guess! :)